The LSAT is A Reading Test

I tutor people for the LSAT.  Often, my advice on a specific question boils down to this (I don’t say it this way)

“Did you read all of the words and understand them?”


“Well, see that word?  It changes the meaning completely”

Student:  Oh!  There’s a “not” there.  …now I get it.

Most people studying for the LSAT will find themselves in this situation.  I’m in this situation sometimes, when I don’t understand a question (it happens, now and then).  It’s not your fault:  the people who write the LSAT are very clever.  They write questions in such a way that makes it easy to miss words or misunderstand otherwise simple concepts.

If you’re stuck between two answers, there’s clearly something you don’t understand.  Wrong answers are never “sort of right” (trust me on that one).

Most likely, you missed a word, or misunderstood a word.  So when you’re stuck on the LSAT, tell yourself this:

“I’m smart, but clearly I’ve missed something.  One of these is right, and one of these is wrong.  I had better look over everything again, and forget the assumptions I have at the moment.  Clearly they’re wrong or incomplete.  But if I look at this with fresh eyes, I may be able to see what I missed.”

Don’t actually say that, it will take too long.  But cultivate that attitude.  It’s the attitude I have when I’m stuck, and it’s why I don’t stay stuck.  There are reasons I do well on the LSAT, and that’s one of them.

One thought on “The LSAT is A Reading Test

  1. Good post I definitely agree. For LR, if you understand the stimuli and what is being asked of you, then you have a strong chance at arriving at the correct answer.

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